The Great Crossing — Transformation: Element of Water

Treading in Time Space, oil on canvas, 48x36" 2018

There Were Signs And Symbols, oil on linen, 48x65", 2018

The Ship Was False And Held But One, oil on canvas, 30x40" 2017

Study for The Ship Was False, oil on yupo paper, 5x7" 2018

Maeve Transcending The Past, oil on linen, 30x24" 2018 (private collection)

At Sea, oil on canvas, 36x60" 2016

I Am That Ocean, oil on canvas, 48x60" 2018 (private collection)

Awaiting, oil on canvas, 48x60" 2016 (private collection)

Observing Culpability, oil on canvas, 36x48" 2015

When it All Became Clear, oil on canvas, 36x48" 2017

Looking out at the Night as the Night Itself, oil on canvas, 24x18" 2016-19

The oil paintings in this series were the precursor to and then the unfolding of my New American Epic about the power and resilience of girls, lost youth, and children moving against the tide on their way to becoming future leaders. You will find some of these paintings included in Vision and Metaphor because there is overlap. Each painting commemorates a moment in a greater narrative that highlights the inner strength, hope, diversity, and struggle of girls reclaiming their power. As part of this poetic and imagined nautical journey, children are depicted breaking free of limitations and using their own strength and skill to make their way at sea. I depict them in pivotal moments of challenge, despair, or enlightenment. In all of my work I explore the exuberance and distortion of the mind and memory perception as well as the beauty and strength of diverse personalities through great reverence for the painted portrait- both real and imagined.
The oil paintings in this series were the precursor to and then the unfolding of my New American Epic about the power and resilience of girls, lost youth, and children moving against the tide on their way to becoming future leaders. You will find some of these paintings included in Vision and Metaphor because there is overlap. Each painting commemorates a moment in a greater narrative that highlights the inner strength, hope, diversity, and struggle of girls reclaiming their power. As part of this poetic and imagined nautical journey, children are depicted breaking free of limitations and using their own strength and skill to make their way at sea. I depict them in pivotal moments of challenge, despair, or enlightenment. In all of my work I explore the exuberance and distortion of the mind and memory perception as well as the beauty and strength of diverse personalities through great reverence for the painted portrait- both real and imagined.
The studio of Katelyn Alain is in Industry City, Brooklyn, NY. To inquire about available works, schedule a studio visit, a museum exhibition, visiting artist lecture, or interview please
email: katelynalain at gmail dot com
email: katelynalain at gmail dot com
All images Copyrighted ©2025 Katelyn Alain
Not to be reproduced without consent